Bata India
Bata India Limited is a subsidiary of the MNC,Bata Shoe Organization is a Canadian owned multinational footwear and fashion accessory manufacturer and retailer based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Company start their business in India was in the year 1931 as Bata Shoe Company Pvt Ltd (now Bata India Ltd) in Konngar West Bengal which was then shifted to Batanagar. Bata India is the largest footwear business of manufacturing and retail trading of footwear and accessories through its retail and wholesale network, and development of real estate. The Company's segments include Footwear & Accessories, and Surplus Property Development. The company leader in the footwear industry in India, enjoying a large market share in the organized sector. It retails through over 1,350 Bata Shoe Stores located in over 500 cities and occupies more than 2 Mn. sq.ft. of retail space across India. It also operates a non retail distribution network through its urban wholesale division and caters to various customers through approximately 30,000 dealers.
Their products include leather footwear rubber/canvas footwear and plastic footwear. They are having their production facilities at Batanagar in West Bengal, Patna and Hathidah in Bihar, Faridabad in Haryana, Bangalore in Karnataka and Hosur in Tamilnadu. Their wholly owned subsidiaries include Bata Properties Ltd, Coastal Commercial & Exim Ltd. and Way Finders Brands Limited. Batanagar was the first manufacturing facility in the Indian shoe industry to receive the ISO 9001 certification. The company entered into a joint development agreement with Calcutta Metropolitan Group Ltd for developing around 262 acres of land in Batanagar. The company formed a special purpose vehicle called Riverbank Holdings Pvt Ltd. The development of 262 acres was split into two parts IT SEZ for 25 acres developed by Riverbank Holdings Pvt Ltd and the remaining 237 acres will be done by the new company Riverbank Developers Pvt Ltd. In order to improve volume and profitability the company took various steps during the period under review i.e. initiatives to achieve same store growth investment behind new channels and stores cost control and manpower rationalization. During the period under review Bata India continued its modernization plans at its Manufacturing Units at Batanagar - West Bengal, Bataganj - Bihar and Southcan - Karnataka. The modernization plans implemented in these Manufacturing Units have improved quality of the products and also increased productivity.
The company sold more than 6.3 lacs pairs of footwear through online channels every year. The company opened the first Bata Women Store in India in Bengaluru focussed on catering to footwear & accessories needs of woman consumers. Various market expansion strategies were put in place like increase of brand presence through marketplace model by listing products on high-traffic generating websites including TataCliq ShopClues GoFynd and Limeroad. The company's e-commerce website www.bata.in migrated to a secure AWS server for enhanced performance that includes features like auto scaling and elastic load balancing.
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