Cholamandalam Investment and Fin Co
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company Ltd is a diversified non-banking finance company incorporated in AUG,1978 as the financial services arm of the Murugappa Group. It is one of the 28 businesses under the Murugappa Group & its promoter is M.A. M Arunachalam M V Murugappa and M V Subbiah. Cholamandalam operates from over 1029 branches across India with assets under management above INR 59,292 Crores with a Net income of Rs 1,885.34 crore as on March 31, 2019 & it employees over 7,000.
Cholamandalam provides vehicle finance, home loans and corporate finance & mortgage loans, home & equity loans, small and medium enterprises (SME) loans, investment advisory services, Rural and Agri Loans for for purchase of tractors and farming equipment. It has subsidiary companies namely Cholamandalam Home Finance Limited (CHFL), Cholamandalam Securities Limited (CSEC) and White Data Systems India Private Limited.
Cholamandalam also offers wealth management, which includes mutual funds, fixed deposits and bonds, life and general insurance, and home loan, and securities, which include stock and derivatives, Internet broking, demat services, exchange traded funds and bonds.
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