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Advertising Consultancy Service

stockNV provides advertising consulting service, Here we are providing 95 ways of advertising & digital advertising to get the customers for your business & more.

Some of the factors for choosing the right advertisement media are Nature of Product, Objectives of Advertising, Market size, Media used by Competitors, Coverage or Circulation of Media, Cost, Selectivity, Flexibility, Permanence etc. The choice of advertising media also depends upon the your product. If a product is being advertised in a newspaper, the producers of its substitutes will find it better to advertise them in the same newspaper.

How to select Right media for Ad

Advertising media selection is the process of choosing the most efficient media for an advertising campaign. Matching the Product or the Message to the Advertising Many products and services are ideally displayed on television, and with local cable television, even small local companies can afford cable. But the cost per thousand is typically very high in comparison to other media.

Financial Risk in Advertising- One wrong ad can burn your heard earn money very quickly. Thats why before creating & placing ad, suspecting is very important. You must know your customer pond.
How to Find your target audiance- Look at your current customer base. Who are your current customers, and why do they buy from you? Check out your competition, Analyze your product/service, Choose specific demographics to target, Consider the psychographics of your target, Evaluate your decision, Additional resources.

CHARGES - Only Rs. 1000 for consultation

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